FAQ Payouts and credits

4.3 How and when do I receive my money?

You will receive a monthly statement via email at the beginning of each month, with a one-month delay. For example, if you release music in January, you will receive the statement for January at the beginning of March.

The email statement provides you with an overview of your music’s performance for the relevant month. It shows your top release (including earnings) and your top song (including earnings).

For a more detailed insight into your release statistics, you can access your iGroove account. There you can download your statement as an XLS file or PDF invoice.

You can transfer money from your account to your bank or PayPal account at any time. The transfer usually takes 7-10 business days after confirmation via email, which you will receive upon requesting the withdrawal. The money will be fully transferred no later than 20 business days.

Withdrawals are only executed for amounts of at least 100 CHF / EUR / USD / GBP. If an error occurs during your payout request, such as providing incorrect information, your payout will be returned to your iGroove account. Payouts that are not confirmed within 30 days will also be returned to your iGroove account.
