FAQ Payouts and credits

4.2 Where and when can I see my sales figures and statistics?

You can view your sales figures and detailed information on your streams and sales directly in your iGroove account at any time. There are two different views available.

Sales trends:

Here, you can view provisional earnings for downloads, streams, and pre-orders. The data is visible with a delay of 1-2 days. However, the sales trends are provisional, as we only receive the number of streams from DSPs, not the amount earned. The figures shown are based on experience values. With the aid of our artificial intelligence “Muse”, we can achieve over 98% accuracy.

Since these streams and downloads have not yet been settled with the stores, they cannot yet be credited. The final settlement may differ from the sales trends due to currency fluctuations and corrections by the shops. If streaming figures are manipulated, for example by bots, there may be larger deviations between trend data and adjusted credit data. It should also be noted that we do not receive trend data from all shops.


To view your earnings from streaming and downloads that have already been settled with the stores, go to “My credit” → “Balance” or directly to the respective release.
A credit invoice is generated every month and credited directly to your account.

Depending on the store, it may take up to six months for a download from the sales trend view to be settled with the stores. This is because some smaller shops only settle with their partners twice a year. You can see the credited time period under “Paid out periods”.
